Using Storyboards

I’ve been using storyboards for UX Design for many years and clients seem to like the approach. Probably the easiest way for me to explain why I like storyboards is to explain via a storyboard and then give an example.

Why Use Storyboards?

Storyboards (Comics if you like!) are engaging and fun and can tell a story that requires no training to understand. You can place the user at the centre of the action (user-centric) and then visualise how they might “experience” your product or vision, often before a single line of code has been developed. Storyboards can validate research, user needs, and user journeys. They can even be used for product visions (“North Star”) by visualising the relationship between your customer’s problems and how your product or service aims to solve them.

Product Vision - Storyboard

User Journey - Storyboard